May 28, 2014

I am at risk...

Six years ago in 2008, I was pregnant with my son and elated after early miscarriage months earlier. 25 weeks into the pregnancy, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. The cause of gestational diabetes is unknown. There is no direct correlation to diet, nutrition, etc and gestational diabetes. I was able to control my blood sugars with diet change.

When our son turned 1 year old, I became pregnant with our daughter and was immediately high risk with gestational diabetes again. This time around I took 14 units of insulin daily in addition to checking blood sugars 4 times each day. I am now labeled as being at risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes 5-10 years after my pregnancies. I am at risk...for developing a disease that requires low carb nutrition, finger pricks, blood tests, insulin, meds, and the perception my children will have on chronic illness.

The nasty truth is, we are all at risk for something in today's world. At risk for obesity. High risk for developing cancer. Genetic predisposition to heart disease. Alzheimer's. Osteoporosis. Diabetes. This list can go on, of course. A lot of us think if we stand-by, ignore it, secretly hold our breath, or don't make eye contact with the ugly truth, it will pass us by. I'm sure most of us know deep down, it doesn't work that way. There is good news in this overwhelming sea of risk. You can do something about it. YOU CAN!

I began to include exercise in my life when my daughter was 4 months old. Until then, my assumption was I could not be an athlete because I didn't inherit the sporty gene. I was wrong. I CAN!

I can do burpees and high knees until my head spins. I ran a mini-marathon. I am free and clear of Diabetes Type II after 5 years since my son was born!!

Am I completely safe? No way. Which is why I am continuing my journey of fitness and good nutrition to lose weight and maintain a normal BMI. I am proud of what I have my body transformation, but more importantly my internal transformation. I am stronger, prouder, more confident, and have a passion to help others on their journey toward beating their 'at risk' label.

I made a change and fitness and good nutrition is now a normal piece of my daily life. It is also a part of my family. It energizes me. Join me and beat the odds. I would love to hear from you and coach you to succeed with your own goals. What is your risk?


  1. I am currently almost 27 weeks pregnant, with GD. This is my second pregnancy. The first one was also diagnosed with GD. I'm at risk for all those things you mentioned. It's crazy! That's great that you have managed your health and are healty!!

    1. So glad you said hello! Do you know boy or girl? Hope the pregnancy is going well. Here's to health!


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